TOURS: Customized to meet your budget
1) Land in Vienna: Travel to Bratislava, Budapest,Prague, Munch and Salzburg. Play hockey in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. G
Land in Geneva: Travel to Chamonix, France,Play in the Chamonix International Ladies recreational tournament. After which travel to Venice, Florence and return from Rome.
3) Land in Paris: Travel to Amiens, Brussels, Bruges, Asterdam and Paris. Play in the Amiens International U 18 young men Elite tournament. Play exhibition games in Holland, and Paris.
4) Land in Paris: Play hockey in the Ladies Internationale open tournament than travel Brussels, , Bruges and Amsterdam.
5) Land in Helsinke: play hockey in Finland, transfer by Ferry to Stockholm. on the return stopover in Reykjavík Iceland.
6) Land in London: Transfer by Ferry to France, Holland, Belgium and Paris. Play hockey in England, Holland and France.